Thursday, July 9, 2009

My 17th Surgerical Procedure.........

It's almost 1am on Friday and I've been awake since Tuesday evening. What for do you ask? Because I'm nervous about what this kidney biopsy will bring. I remember when I was put on Cellcept when I first went into the early stages of kidney failure. I was totally against it. Now that I'm on the max dose of 3,000mg and my kidney's aren't making the progress that my rheumatologist and nephrologist wants, so at their urgency I'm getting another kidney biospy and start chemo therapy ASAP.

As I have reflected over this period in my life, I've realized that I've had 16 surgeries and procedures in my lifetime with the majority of them happening after my initial diagnosis in 2006. I'm a little scared and relieved to "really find out" what is going on with my body. Lupus patients can go through periods of remission and just like that they are flaring again. I hope and pray this is what is causing my extreme flares lately. I would rather know now so we can come up with a plan of attack with my 15 speciality doctors.

I better get a few hours of sleep before surgery......



  1. You will pull through, you always do! You have a heart that is strong as gold. God has a strong watch over you along with your angels by your side.
    Breath, relax and take it easy. Meditate, listen to some soft music, take a bubble bath and rest!
    You are always in my prayers. Hugs! Love, T

  2. Thanks it's because He has put great people like you in my life so I have to be strong. XOXO
