Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Yet Another Disappointment

Well I was all set to get my kidney biopsy. I thought I had everything taken care of, appointment made - check, pre-authorization submitted - check, arrange for my mom to stay with me - check, found something for my friend from Prague to do - check and pack for the hospital - check.

Well my mom flew in when we flew back from Vegas, I stopped eating and drinking after midnight. My nephrologist nurse called to let me know they were still waiting on the approval. I had a procedure at this hospital at the end of May, so what's the problem? But she did say not to cancel and she would call me at 7:30am and my procedure was at 8:30am. 7:30 came and no approval yet.

So I spent all day on the phone with my nurse, the insurance company and the hospital. Hopefully the insurance go through and I can be put on hold for tomorrow and the last appointment is 1:30pm. Cross your fingers. I just spend $350 to get my mom here for all three procedures (kidney biopsy, colonoscopy and endoscopy) and I will be pissed if one of them fall through.

Usually my insurance is on top of it, but I know the holiday messed me up. We'll have a go at it tomorrow......



  1. Geez, Toni that sucks! I hope they can get you in...all of those procedures are can really add up monetarily on top of the measures you took to have your mom come out. Nurses can compound the frustration as well. I remember when my mother had a colonoscopy, endoscopy, liver biopsy and her kidney removed I couldn't tell if the cost, or the sheer exhaustion took a greater toll on her.

    Hang in there girly, everything happens for a reason.

  2. Wed nite - I hope you've had success with your procedures today. You face so many challenges with such grace that you're an inspiration. I'm glad your mom is there with you. Tell her while she's there holding your hand that one tiny extra squeeze is from a far away friend praying for you.

  3. Danielle,

    Thank God my military insurance pays 100% of any procedure, office visit and medication with no co-pays. One of my meds for my kidney cost $2500.00 a month, I'm on 15 daily meds. I'm truly blessed. Sometimes our pre-authorization take 5 days, but the holiday didn't help.

    At least I'm having the colonoscopy today and the biopsy Friday and I fly to Germany on Saturday late afternoon.


    I tell my mom all the time I appreciate her. I might get her a massage before she flies by on Saturday. She will go with me to my Lupus Support Group meeting.

    Thanks for the prayers.

  4. Toni
    You're a hero in so many ways. I'm glad to hear things are moving along and I wish you a speedy recovery in all things.Aren't our moms amazing? Give her a big squeeze because she's a hero too. I join the others in praying for positive outcomes from all of your procedures. Your strength is a national treasure and makes me proud to be a woman and an American. But I'm also saddened that when you need care you have to jump through hoops to get it. Did you ever see John Q w/Denzel Washington www.imdb.com/title/tt0251160/ ? That movie made me so angry at the health care system. We all know it's not just one thing but the whole medical process that's at fault. There are no easy fixes either. Though I speak Greek and my parents live here I wouldn't count on the public health care system that is in place. Take care of yourself. What part of Germany are you off to? I lived there for 2 years and had one of my children there as well. Great country as long as you follow their rules.

  5. Pam,

    Thanks for the kind words and the prayers. Procedure one is done and now I'm getting prepared for the kidney biopsy and the flight to Germany on Saturday. Just another day in the life.

    This is the first time I had to jump through so many hoops. My doctor and her nurse were great especially going back an forth with the hospital for rescheduling and the insurance company. Hopefully I will make it through this surgery like a champ so I can move on to the next task :)
